Dolores Press
THE TEACHING OF Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.
Nehemiah: Man’s Place in God’s Plan The first book by Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.
Nehemiah was a servant in the royal court of Babylon in the 5th century BC when he received a report concerning the conditions in Jerusalem: the city and its people were in great affliction and reproach; its wall was broken down and its gates had been burned with fire. When Nehemiah heard the news, he made it his burden to rebuild the wall and to restore what had been destroyed. Nehemiah: Man’s Place in God’s Plan is a collection of 22 sermons preached by Pastor Melissa Scott on the Old Testament book of Nehemiah. Major themes include God’s fidelity, spiritual warfare, forgiveness, God’s calling on your life, and your place in the body of Christ. The centerpiece of the book is the most thorough, thought-provoking and inspiring study to be found anywhere concerning the prayer of Nehemiah 9, which is one of the longest prayers in the Bible. This prayer is a window into God’s nature and helps provide a New Testament understanding of the books of the Old Testament. Includes a map of the wall of Jerusalem, a historical time line and a detailed word study incorporating elements of Hebrew grammar. Hardcover, 370 pages. Item #NEH-01
$40.00 each Exclusively from Dolores Press, Inc.
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